Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We dit it!

It didn't take long for us to make our decision.

The question was: What about moving to the countryside?
"We're such city people though... lived in the city all of our lives... Edinburgh, Montreal, and now Toronto. We'd get bored in no time in the country without all the urban excitement Toronto provides. Wait a minute... what do we actually do in the city? We wake up, walk our dogs, go to work, come back exhausted, make some dinner, watch some mind-numbing tv and go to sleep. Over, and over, and over again."

Sure, there's the occasional band we like to see, the occasional night out for sushi... maybe an art show here and there, but really, Stuart and I prefer to avoid crowds like the plague.

"What about work?" Our line of work is gardening, landscaping, and construction. Scary to move the whole operation to a new place, with no contacts. But we've never been the kind of people to be frightened about turning a new leaf. We're experts at it, actually.

There was just no way under the sun that we could ever have been able to afford a house in Toronto. Our future as it was unfolding: barely staying afloat paying exorbitant rent, year after year, until we wouldn't even be able to afford our crappy apartment with the tiniest yard you've ever seen (at least we had a yard, maybe in a few years from then, we wouldn't even have been able to afford a yard at all).

So with a bit of coaxing from our best friend, we took the plunge and called a real-estate agent. We fell in love with Hillcrest Farm, the second house we saw, and within a month we were living in the midst of rolling farmlands and wildlife conservations. The only thing we would miss, really, is our amazing roster of friends.

This is my blog about the trials and tribulations of a full-on city girl moving to the country.

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